Linggo, Marso 17, 2019

How Suicide Bombers, Muslim Radicals Operate

 By Mortz C. Ortigoza

After some readers online showed their apprehension after reading my column’s What if Suicide Bombers Wage Wars in Luzon, Visayas and the bloodbath those Muslim suicide bombers can do when they started exploding those 10 to 20 kilos nails, iron balls, and other shrapnels' TNT contained vest strapped on their body, here are some of the salient features of the book I read how Islamist terrorists operate.
Before I expound it, I will describe first some of the names and organizations that become a major part of the book Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef but was written by Ron Brackin about the son of  a terrorist organization founder Hamas Sheikh Hassan Yousef.
Just like those fiction best seller thrillers, Mosab became a spy for the Shin Bet.
Shin Bet or Shabak by the way is the Israel Security Agency.
Image result for suicide bombers
Fanatic Islamic Suicide Bombers.
Hamas is a Palestinian organization responsible for countless suicide bombings and other deadly attacks against Israel.
Mosab was imprisoned by the Israeli internal intelligence service. After a chance encounter with a British tourist, he started a six-year quest that undermined Hamas, endangered his family, and threatened his life. He has since became a Christian and sough political asylum in America.

To readers, brace yourself, since what I will narrate and quote here were serious gruesome stuffs where we Christian can learn how to defend ourselves even before those Islamist radical started blowing themselves and their cars their lethal bombs to us and our children.

Israel soldiers took curfews very seriously. These were not like curfews in the United States and the Philippines, where authorities call a teenager’s parents if he was caught loitering around after 11 p.m.
 In Palestine, if a curfew had been declared and you were on the street for any reason, you were shot. “No warning, no arrest. They just shot you,” Mosab described the Israeli soldiers.

In another article I read at  the TheNewArab entitled "Israel destroys family home of Palestinian accused of murdering Jewish womanIsrael soldiers routinely demolish the homes of Palestinians accused of attacks on Israelis as part of a policy it says discourages future violence.
Mosab cited that the only law respected by the Muslim is Islamic law, defined by fatwa, or religious rulings on a particular topic. Fatwas are intended to guide Muslims as they apply the Qur’an to daily living, but because there is no central unifying rule maker, various sheiks often issue different fatwas about the same matter. As a result everyone is living by various set of rules, some much more strict than others.
Mosab said the sheikh has more authority than an imam and is more like a general than a priest.
Israeli intelligence wondered why the United States did not prevent the 19 Al Queda terrorists who hijacked  four jetliners in the mainland in September 11, 2001 and made a human driven missiles out of them where three of the planes rammed the  North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan and the Pentagon where 2,996 people were killed and 6,000 humans injured.

The Israelis wondered why the Americans relied mostly on technology and rarely collaborated with the terrorists. For them those tactics may have been fine in the Cold War, but its pretty tough to combat fanatical ideals with technology.
“Israeli intelligence, on the other hand, relied mostly on human resources; had countless spies in mosques, Islamic organization, and leadership roles; and had no problem recruiting even the most dangerous terrorists. They knew they had to have eyes and ears on the inside, along with the minds that understood motives and emotions and that could connect to the dots. America understood neither Islamic culture nor its ideology. That combined with open borders and lax of security, made it a much softer target than Israel. Even so, although my role as a spy enabled Israel to take hundreds of terrorists off the streets, our work couldn’t begin to put an end to terrorism – even in a tiny country like Israel”.

Muslims believed that bombers who killed infidels go to heaven. For the male martyrs they are rewarded as motivation with 72 virgins who look like sultry actress Filipina Bea Alonzo  and U.S hot star Megan Fox  who lie on a water bed in paradise probably naked, son of a gun, to service the lust of the wide eyed hero.

“Islam taught that a devoted servant of Allah who became a martyr went straight to heaven. No questioning by weird angels or torture in the grave but suddenly it seemed that anyone killed by the Israelis – whether a nominal Muslim, a communist, even an atheist was being treated as a holy martyr. The imams and the sheikhs told the families of the dead, “your loved one is in heaven”.
Here’s what Mosab said about one of the galling suicide bombers:

And then on June 1, at 11:26 p.m, a group of teenagers were standing in line, talking, laughing, and horsing around, eager to enter a popular Tel Aviv disco known as the Dolphi. Most of the kids were from the former Soviet Union, their parents recent emigr’es. Saeed Hotari stood in line, too, but he was Palestinian and  a little older. He was wrapped in explosives and metal fragments”.
He said the newspapers did not call the Dolphinarium attack a suicide bombing. They picture it a massacre. Scores of kids were ripped apart by ball bearings and the sheer force of the blast. Casualties were high: 21 died; 120 wounded.

“No suicide bomber had ever killed so many people in a single attack,” Mosab cited.
Upon reading his narration, I was ashen faced and breathless what the father of Saeed had told neighbors and friends who congratulated the family, and the media men:

“I hope that my other three sons will do the same. I would like all members of my family, all the relatives, to die for my nation and my homeland”.
Now my query: Do Filipino radical Muslims like the Islamic State (ISIS) and its affiliates the Abu Sayaf and other extremist groups in Mindanao have the same belief and perception with the father of Saeed to die for their putative homeland Mindanao and Islam?


(You can read my selected columns at and articles at Pangasinan News Aro. You can send comments too at

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