SCREAMED, TOO. PH wannabe boxing commentator Mortz Baby did an Ali famous scream after an effeminate "nota" hungry Aswang (witch) poised to eat him. |
Mortz Baby known as Mortz Ortigoza, a Flip, er, a Filipino, was probably the only Filipino boxing scribe and radio commentator who boldly predicted, against the consternation of his compatriots who thought he was an obnoxious "puta (bitch)", that Floyd Mayweather would defeat Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao in their mega fight last May 2014. That deplorable tussle saw many fans and bettors walking without their shirts, cursing, and suing Pacquiao for the damage and swindling he had done to them in the sin city called Las Vegas, USA.
Ortigoza did not only predict in his TV and radio interviews from stations all over the Philippines two weeks before the slam bang but challenged everybody to bet against him and Mayweather.
Since he could not find reputable bettors in the educated sectors who can "Walk the Talk" but just content themselves to "Talk the Walk" that Pacquiao would kick the ass of Mayweather, Mortz look for those people, the formidable bobotantes (idiotic voters) and those with the I.Q level of Pacquiao for a wager.
He criss crossed the "bagsakan (entrepot)" market of Urdaneta City and challenged those Igorot vegetable suppliers and bet against those bangus (milk fish) whole sellers at the wet market of Dagupan City for a six - figure break or make bet.
Mortz, unknown to his wife Miles, brought all the family savings and tuition fees of their kids just to bet for Mayweather that he confidently predicted would school Pacquiao, the senatorial wannabe, in the over hyped fight.
"More than one year after those Fraud, er, Fight of the Century, those Igorots and Bangus merchants have not recovered until now with their seed monies thanks to their gullibility and ignorance where they believed that the Filipino Superman except Superman's handsome face would be invincible against the scientific and slick American boxing phenomenon," he said shaking his head.
But Mortz baby has another challenged for everybody for a wager. Pacquiao, because of the bobotantes who root for Alma Moreno, Bong Revilla, and Lito Lapid in public office, will win the senatorial race in 2016 in spite of his pathetic four attendance as congressman in the last year's 16th Congress and his failure, on the rumours I heard, to identify John and Jane Does during his rare congressional debate whether both are siblings or cousins, or just a police character, or whether he would help defend a person sued with Anti-Fencing Law in spite the absence of a destroyed fence.
Here's Mortz ballyhooed column, a month before the Mayweather-Pacquiao Fight, that bankrupt those simpleton mountain and fish pond people:
ANALYSIS: Pacquiao will lose to Mayweather
By Mortz C. Ortigoza
By Mortz C. Ortigoza
Many boxing aficionados predicted that Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao’s haymakers would dominate Welterweight pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather, Jr. on May 2 (U.S dateline) mega tussle of the century.
Since a boxer is as good as his last six fights, let’s dissect if Pacquiao whirling dervish southpaw attack has still the superiority or pop to deck out Mayweather.
When Pacquiao fought the “Walking Punching Bag” Brandon Rios and the “Run Away Bride”, er, Boxer Cris Algieri compobox bared Pacquiao unleashes a total punch rates of 790 for Rios and 669 for Algieri in the entire 12 Rounds.
In these two lopsided match ups, Pacquiao looks superb as based on his total punches just like during those exploding years where he TKO’d (technical knocked out) and KO’d (knocked out) the bigger but dehydrated or struggling in weight Oscar dela Hoya, Antonio Margarito, and Miguel Cotto.

When Manny however fought Juan Manuel Marquez in 2011 and 2012, he unleashes only a total punch of 578
and 256 (before he was knocked out cold at the 6th Round) or an average punches of 48 and 42 per round on their 2011 and 2013 tussles, respectively.
Why the bone lazy punches from the Filipino to the Mexican compared to his bunches of punches on Rios and Algieri?